February 6th, 2014

Fix Stress Fast



It’s easy to get stressed out at a medical practice. But being stressed around a patient is a serious offense. And it’s no fun for you either. So how to deal with it?


Schedule and compartmentalize


Stress can be highly alleviated by:

1. making a list of what needs to be done daily

2. prioritizing that list

3. scheduling all tasks on a calendar.

From a famous CEO: “Prioritize until it hurts.”

By doing so, you know you won’t forget anything AND you’ll be able to let your brain relax and focus on the task at hand.


What to do if you remember something else that needs to be done?

Don’t just write it on a note somewhere. Stick it on your calendar, know that it won’t be forgotten and think about it later. The key to lower stress and being productive is your ability to compartmentalize. Then rest assured that everything on your list will get done in due time.


What to do if you get overwhelmed?

Get granular about it. Make a list of micro steps to help you finish a complicated task. By cutting monumental tasks into bite-sized chunks, we climb mountains. And by having small successes, our load lightens and we are encouraged to continue. Furthermore, small wins over time lead to a confident mindset that we can accomplish big things.


If you still find your brain spinning,

consider a little mental and metaphysical discipline. 


1. Ask yourself if what you’re feeling is helpful.

Obviously some stress IS helpful. It encourages us to accomplish but after a certain point, stress hurts much more than it helps.


2. Observe your body

For just 30 seconds, stop and pay attention to your body. Are you feeling any pain or tightness? Where? Can you let go of it? Spend a little time every day tuning into what your body is telling you.


3. Breathe

Almost without fail, when we are stressed we breathe shallowly. Sit up straight but let your shoulders relax and take at least 3 deep breaths.


4. Observe your mind

Step outside of the stress and observe it but —and this is very important— don’t judge it. Just watch it. How does it make you feel? Write about it or somehow acknowledge it. If you can disassociate what you’re feeling from yourself, you can see the stress for what it really is.


5. Accept that some things are out of your control

Let’s say you’ve been working on a presentation. You’ve done a good job of preparing and rehearsing, but you’re stressed about how it will be accepted. Realize you don’t have control over the outcome and that is ok.


6. Put yourself in a non-stressed person’s shoes

Imagine you have a friend who is just as stressed as you and who comes to you for advice. What would you tell them? This is actually a very helpful psychological tool to find out what YOU need.


Take the necessary precautions, listen to your body, your mind, and your own advice and fix stress fast.

POSTED BY Page Penguin AT 10:29 pm

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